Meet “Molly”, my dark striped kitty cat, who could never resist tissue paper. She lived to the ripe old age of 20 and was the third dark tiger-striped cat we’ve had. The first was “Tigger” who followed the kids and me one night as we walked home from a favorite café where we’d had dinner. The second was “Emily” whom daughter Suzanne brought to me at a fair we were attending saying a friend had given the kitty to her. “What?!! What friend?” But the deed was done and Suz loved the cat, so we had Emily. Molly came to us similarly. I had the girls with me while I was shopping. At one of the stores a person had a box with a couple of kittens they were trying to give away. The girls wanted to stay outside while I shopped to see the kittens. I said “Okay” but added they could only look. They were not to pick them up and we were not going to take one home. Meanwhile, another mother with a couple of little girls came to th...