I danced with a folkdance group when I was in grade school.  We danced for school programs.  One of my favorite things was doing the Maypole dance with other dance groups from the entire school district on May Day out on a big field.  I got to do it two years in a row and our group did it perfectly both times!

The Maypole Dance  - I’ll go this way, you go that, over, under, over, under . . .

My middle Sis & brother kicking up their heels at our annual “New Year’s Eve” nut party.

Here, both sisters were trying to do that tricky business where you make your knees look like they’re crisscrossing while you’re dancing.  Youngest Sis doesn’t look like she’s quite got the hang of it.  Our Dad used to be able to do it perfectly.

1956 formal high school prom.  I’m in the dark dress in the center of the photo with my back to the camera.  The dress was actually my Mom’s.  It was a gorgeous purple with an overall scroll design in black flocking.

1958 Cheerleaders kicking up our heels at a basketball game vs our archrivals if I remember correctly.  I’m third in from the left. (Click on the picture if you wish to enlarge it.)

Dancing at a college fraternity winter ball with my then, beau.  I think we were doing the Samba.

Dancing with my Dad at my wedding reception in 1968.

Dancing with my husband at our wedding reception, doing the Charleston.

Here are some other folks doing the Charleston for the 1970 Gascapades in Gasquet, CA.  L-R: Louise, Shirley, Lynn, & Betty.

Eight years later I was dancing onstage with the “Grub Gulch Garter Girls”. ^  We opened every show doing the Can Can.  I was 38 at the time & gasping for breath at the end of the dance but didn’t feel bad about it because our youngest dancer, at 24, was gasping for breath every bit as desperately as I was! 

I also danced with the “Grub Gulch Garter Girls & Guys”.  I’m the 4th gal in from the left.  My dance partner was a California Highway Patrol Officer.  I once kiddingly suggested he’d, of course, never give his dance partner a ticket!  He just smiled and said I’d best not put it to the test. (click on the picture to enlarge it if you wish.)

Thirty-two years later there I was once again in dance shoes ^ waiting to tap my way across the stage in a Pine Cone Performers variety show.

When we were in Scotland we saw Highland dancers, of course.

And then there’s Paco, my granddaughter’s Cockatoo, the cutest dancer of all who loved to dance to music and kept perfect time to the beat! 


La Nightingail


Here’s a fun video of a Cockatoo dancing to music.  He’s/she’s obviously watching someone for cues, which is kind of cute in itself, & the rhythm is perfect. J

Waltz Me Around Again Willie ('Round, 'Round, 'Round)

And, if you’re up for another video, the Can Can done in the 1960 movie “Can Can”.  The Grub Gulch Garter Girls weren’t quite this energetic!  We didn’t do the splits, and only a couple of us who could (not me!) did cartwheels, but we did a lot of high kicking & other breath-stealing stuff.

As I recall Khrushchev was visiting the U.S. at the time the film was being made and was treated to a filming of the dance.  He was apparently shocked at the display, saying it was pornographic, depraved, and immoral.  Geez Louise, what a party poop!


  1. Golly, you have many photos of dancers! I'm thrilled to see this abundance. Get it? A bun dance! That's when you wiggle your bun and dance around to assure lots of abundance of whatever you want. I refuse to look at the Can Can video...don't want to go around the rest of the day with that ear worm. You certainly looked lovely in all your costumes and dances!

  2. So many dancing photos! I had one of my in my ballet class at about 10 or 11 and it got lost over time. And that was the only one! Dancing and singing, you are very talented.

  3. I think you may have just as many photos of you dancing as singing! And I'm always impressed that you can remember the colors of dresses in your B&W photos.

    Dancers in a chorus line were once a popular feature in most musical productions but I don't think many young people today are as familiar with the style. Historically many opera composers were irritated (or insulted) that any production staged in Paris always required a ballet scene, even if it had no relation to the opera plot.

    1. I wondered, ahead of time, when I attended a production of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" complete with ballet, what it would be like. Having sung the work I was hard-pressed to imagine a ballet fitting with it, but I was surprised at how well it did. The most fun, of course, was the ballet accompanying the drinking scene. The words and music of the work painted a pretty good picture, but the ballet of drunken fellows added just that extra bit of fun.


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