1947 – Me, my brother (ahead of me), my 2 year old (middle) sister, and Dad walking down to the beach at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe.

1954 Walking along a sandy road behind Meeks Bay eventually leading to a trail to a lake. L-R: my brother up ahead, me, youngest sis, Mom, & middle sis.

1956 Pausing for a moment on a bridge on the Vernal Fall trail in Yosemite.  L-R: me, my brother, middle sis, younger sis, & Mom.

1957 - Dad took a picture of the family before we set out on D.L. Bliss State Park’s Lighthouse Trail along Lake Tahoe’s west shore.  L-R: my brother, Mom, younger sis, Grandma Louise, middle sis, & me.

Part of the Lighthouse Trail which offers beautiful views of the lake.

There are also interesting rock formations along the trail . . .

. . . as well as the old wooden lighthouse that once upon a time warned boats & ships of the rocky dangers near the shore at night.

1958, listening to a Bliss park ranger tell us what we were going to see on a nature walk.  That’s me standing back across from the ranger.

In 1961 we were resting for a moment on a trail coming away from Vikingsholm Castle on Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe. The bag in front of my brother’s feet contained our water and trail snacks.  You can tell by our footwear we were ‘walkers’, not serious hikers.  L-R: middle sis, me, my brother, Mom, & youngest sis.  Dad was always behind the camera in these photographs. J

One Saturday in 1962 my youngest sister and I decided to walk up to Tilden Park in Berkeley, CA from home (in El Cerrito, CA) – a distance of approximately 4 miles and all uphill . . . some of it rather steep.  But hey, we were young & full of energy back then.  I wouldn’t even make it a quarter of the way now.  Once there we had to make a decision – the lake, or the merry-go-round?  The merry-go-round won, and yes, we rode it! J  The walk back was all downhill, of course – easier in one way, but hard on the knees.

1967 and back to Tahoe.  My Mom & me walking barefoot along the beach between Meeks Bay and Sugar Pine Point St. Park, being careful to avoid rocks and sticks along the natural beach and water.  We probably should have stuck to the trail, but we wanted to walk on the beach.

1979 where my three kiddos and I were walking the Balancing Rock trail in Bliss St. Park.  Here they pretend to hold up the rock.  Oh sure.

This close-up shot I found online of Balancing Rock shows it is not two rocks but one massive rock eroded over time into two attached parts.  One day the top will topple owing to further erosion, but hopefully not in the near future.

1994 – Walking about with a tent in Sugar Pine Point State Park, Lake Tahoe.

2004, walking about on the longest pier on Lake Tahoe – purported to be over a quarter of a mile long.  The view of the mountains is spectacular from the end of the pier where we were when I took this picture of my husband gazing back toward the shore.

Same year (2004) – my youngest daughter walking about the parking lot at Santa Cruz Boardwalk with her three children – two in the stroller, one practicing a ballet position, apparently.  I tried to help push that stroller around once in a while to give my daughter a break, but whew!  That thing was heavy and terribly unwieldly.  Daughter was a whiz at handing it.  Me, not so much!

2023, eldest daughter and her Dad pose in their Run/Walk tee shirts from one of the many charity run/walk events they take part in every year.

And oh yes – September, 2020 - Walking about with a pigeon on my shoulder. Y   


La Nightingail


And in case you didn't know - here's the right way to eat pumpkin pie!

Well, either that or this.   Both are good. :)

Personally, I like mince pie with hard sauce, but no one else in the family does, so pumpkin pie covered in whipped cream it is!


  1. A great portfolio of families walking, or doing other things, mostly out in the woods! Such great memories you must have of all those times. And I'm sure you're glad you took so many photos. Pies...Dutch Apple for me, or for second choice maybe the French silk pie. But they're not really in competition usually! Have a great holiday!

    1. Dutch apple is yummy. I have a recipe for apple pie backed without a top crust and cooled, then spread with 8 ozs of softened sweetened cream cheese on top & stuck under the broiler for a few minutes till the top is just turning a light tan color. Really good.

    2. Whew, I'm wore out from just looking at all that walking. :–) Your second photo of the balancing rock doesn't inspire confidence in geology. I'm assuming your pigeon photo is your old bird buddy. Of all your stories, the tale of the pigeon is my favorite. I wish you could rescue it from the blackhole of the internet and reprise it on your new blog.

      Funny, suddenly I feel a craving for pumpkin spice. Enjoy your holiday.

    3. Yes, that was my sweet little Ella on my shoulder. I'm working on a reprise of her story as told from her point of view. It's a little tricky trying to think like a pigeon without becoming too fanciful, but it's coming along and hopefully soon I can somehow work it into a Sepia Sat. post. That's my intention anyway. :)

  2. An excellent compilation of family walks down the generations. You have the most interesting natural features along your walks out west. I love the first photo with the inner-tube -- no need for fancy floaters back then :-) Also love the wooden lighthouse and, of course, the pumpkin pie in the tub of cool whip. Made me laugh! Enjoy your holiday.

  3. Nice collection of walking photos!


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