“Ella Meets Her Match”

The gals who ran the sanctuary had built a cute little ‘house’ in the open screened area of the aviary and Ella had immediately claimed it as her own.

Unfortunately, not long after she’d claimed the little ‘house’ a lothario pigeon began bothering her.  I call him a lothario because he already had a mate and pigeons are supposed to mate for life.  Apparently that doesn’t mean all of them are faithful?

Ella wasn’t at all impressed with this lothario bully and tried to keep away from him, obviously considering him an annoyance.  Whenever I was there I’d shoo him away from her!

Then one day, along came this beautiful white pigeon with a swoop top (reminds me of the boys' ducktail hairstyles in the 1950s) . . .

. . . and Ella didn’t mind him coming around her house at all.  In fact, according to the gals who ran the sanctuary, Ella pretty much orchestrated their relationship!

Ella’s "Prince Charming" or 'PC' as I came to call him, had had a mate, but she was an older bird and sadly died one night.  She was removed the next morning from the nesting box she had shared with PC’, and that night, Ella popped into PC’s empty nesting box and when he hopped up there to go to sleep, HELLO?   There sat Ella!

The gals said he didn’t seem to know quite what to make of her, but gradually over the ensuing days they began a kind of courtship.

Prince Charming and Ella at the bath.

Here, Prince Charming has placed himself between Ella on the left, and the Lothario pigeon who was still, at that point, bothering her!  Fortunately, not long afterward, finally realizing she was now taken and completely off limits to him, the lothario stopped harassing her.

So Ella and PC began to hang out together, becoming better acquainted . . .

. . . Ella sometimes becoming a little ‘forward’.

But it didn’t take Ella long . . .

. . . to win her Prince Charming over . . .

. . . and soon they were taking up residence together in her little house – billing & cooing like nobody’s business.

I had wondered what would happen when Ella found a mate, but it seemed to make little difference in her relationship with me.  A friend took this picture of me with Ella after she’d become sweethearts with her Prince Charming.  She still came to me when she saw me – even if she was sitting next to P.C. when I arrived.

  I don’t know what PC thought about it?  He would gradually follow her when she was with me so I began talking to him, too.  He was curious and would sometimes come a little closer, but never all the way to the screening as Ella did.  And it was plain to see he was jealous of her attention to me.  After being patient for a while, he would begin making overtures to turn her attention back to him and eventually she’d go to him, but I could almost hear her sighing and mumbling as she went: “Oh very well.”

He is a beautiful bird and very protective of Ella which meant he would always be somewhat close when she came to me so I figured if I kept talking to him, over time he might lose his inhibitions and come to me as well?  It was worth a try.  He might never be quite as comfortable with me as Ella is, but I amafter all, “The Pigeon Whisperer” and I have a mug and tee shirt to prove it!

Next week:  The Surprise 


La Nightingail


Maybe I’m a ‘whisperer’ with other birds as well.  This was me charming a little bird of some kind in the winter of 1955 at Lake Tahoe!  It was sitting on a bush chirping away so I started chirping back, held out my hand, and it flew right to my finger chirping all the while.  Talk about “Hello?”. J


  1. I am really enjoying your saga of Ellen the pigeon...and what fun to have a romance with such a charming young male!

    1. Ella's Prince Charming really is quite a fellow - both very handsome, & so protective of her.

  2. This is super sequel to your story of Ella! Prince Charming certainly deserves his name. Do your pigeons whisper back? I imagine a large flock of pigeons can be very vocal even if the sound is more cooing than calling. Last week I commented about the escaped Asian owl in NC's Central Park, sadly a few days ago Falco the owl suffered an accident flying into a window and died. Experts speculate that it may have been blinded at night by city lights.

    1. Oh, poor Falco. That's so sad. I'll never know how Ella came to be 'free'. She had obviously been someone's pet & would probably not have survived very long if she hadn't flown into our yard giving us the opportunity to find a good safe place for her to be. Nor would she have met her handsome Prince Charming. He really is a beauty. And, of course, I wouldn't have had such a wonderful experience and fun with her. She would "coo" back to my husband because he does an excellent pigeon 'coo', but she "titters" to me. The other birds in the aviary coo a lot, though.


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