1941 – I’m not sure why the family was all together here?  Included in the picture are my Aunt Ruth, my Dad, my Mom, my Granddad Bradley holding me, my Grandma B, and my Aunt Frances.

1946 – This was either a Thanksgiving or Christmas gathering of my extended family.  I’m the little girl in the blue dress.  My Mom is in the second row in the dark outfit with my Dad over her shoulder behind her.  The other three women are his sisters – one has her husband behind her, with my Grandma B just in front of him.  The other kids are my cousins.  I’m not sure why my brother wasn’t in this picture?  He was three at the time.  He must have been napping. 

1953 – Easter gathering of the Bradley clan including my Grandma B, my Dad and his sisters, and a slew of cousins.  I’m in the center with my Mom on my right, my Dad behind her, my brother in front of her, and my two sisters in the first row on the right.

1961 – My parents and friends playing Pinochle on New Year’s Eve. 

1963 – Gathering with friends & family at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe before heading for the beach.  I’m in the white bathing suit.  My youngest sister is on my left, and our mutual middle Sis is on the end of the row 

1963, December – I took the junior choir I directed Christmas caroling around the neighborhood.  We started at the church and worked our way to my house where we had hot chocolate & Christmas cookies before heading back to the church – singing all the way. J

1964 – The year our family spent 2 months camping at Meeks Bay, Lake Tahoe while we were building the foundation on a nearby lot for the cabin we were going to erect on it.  The sign says “The Bradleys, Herb’s Harem, + 1” – the ‘plus 1’ referring to my brother as the rest of the ‘crew’ consisted of my Mom, me, my two sisters, and my Grandma Louise.  This picture was taken on the day my Dad’s three sisters stopped by to see how things were coming along.

1985 – The Groveland team of “Bobby Sox Softball” celebrates winning the section championship!  

1995 – Bradley cousins gather for a formal portrait at a cousin’s wedding.

1995 – Eldest daughter’s graduation from Fresno State University, here with her sister.

1997 – Now it’s younger sister’s turn, graduating from Chico State University.

2002 – Not to be left out, our son graduates from a special program giving him his Journeyman’s License so he can start up his own electrician’s business. 

2006 – Celebrating a family birthday.

2009 – A family snapshot following a lovely visit.

2021 – A granddaughter’s beautiful wedding.

The most recent gathering August 6th, 2024 – The family gathers to celebrate 20 years of Daughter Suzanne’s fantastic recovery from her August 6th, 2004 boating accident resulting in traumatic brain injury.  Now here she is, living in her own home and doing marvelously well.  L-R:  Her Dad, me, her younger sister, her brother, and her happily recovered self. J


La Nightingail


  1. One thing I noticed was all the happy faces. You have a lovely family.

    1. Thank you. :) We are a happy family - both immediate & extended, and close - even cousins as we all grew up in the early years together in the same neighborhood and saw each other often. A lucky thing.

  2. What a great family to photograph celebrating together. Loved seeing all the smiles!


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