Bald Eagles aren't short when it comes to birds, but they're shorter than a lot of other things. This is "Shadow" the male eagle sitting on a nest containing two eggs nearing hatching state. The female, "Jackie", is off hunting for food she'll bring back to the nest. Shadow will sit on the nest till late morning or early afternoon when Jackie will take over. I've been watching them now for five & a half days. They've been weathering through continual snowstorms with small breaks in between like this one with even a little sunshine. Every time I see them I send warm thoughts to them. Who knows? There are countless other people watching them & if we all send warm thoughts their way, maybe it helps? I'd like to think so, anyway. I totally believe in the power of multiple thoughts all going in the same direction! If you want to try watching them, key in on your computer: Big Bear Bald Eagle Live Nest - Cam 1 ...