Why am I posting last week’s post this week? Because my computer was down last week. I was having it updated. I’m sure you’ll laugh at this, but it was being updated from Windows 7 to Windows 11. I hate change and was holding on as long as I could, but when I began to lose access to too many things because my browser was too old and I couldn’t update it because Windows 7 wouldn’t support a browser update, I had to bite the bullet, suck it up, and go for the update. Luckily the fellow who did it managed to make the update look almost like my old program, bless him. So now I’m back online. Yay. I have to say well-made toffee is yummy! We used to order English Toffee from a company located in one of the towns where we lived until their business really took off and they became too expensive for our purse. A shame for us, but good for them, I guess. Then again, there’s always “Almond Roca”. J ...